
some dreams that i remember, transcribed from my phone notepad. there are lots of typos and they might not make a lot of sense because i wrote these half asleep. [names in square brackets are private]

26/7/24 - wizard dreami was in a kitchen when some wizards in purple robes broke in. i ran awyhay into a mazew but i could never get to the centere because it kept expanding. i met the 8th doctor who told me i was gay, and then he went into the tardis and left. he left behind a hammer and i used it to kill a wizard and steal his robes adn then i woke up
22/12/22 - kidnap dreami knew someone would get kidnapped so i told the police. they went to help but were too late and it turned out the person being kidnapped was me. i was in a van with two people with weapons + the driver. I convinsed one of the poeple to give me his weapona nd used it to shoot the other one. once i had bot weapons i shot the driver and jumped out of the van whiele it was driving i was on the motorway and i dropped the weapons on the pavement. i ran to mum and told the police what happened. they told me it was will wood and some elf lookinmg people that were behind it. I was sent to a hotel at a petrol station to hide. there had a cinema were wednesday (the show) was being shown and everyone was going through my room to get to it. someone from the police arived and we saw the elves mum in the crowd so we had to leave. when i got to school and had to escape. i found my old year 7 computing teacher and she helped us out but when i fot home there were elves trying to get in. I locked myself in the bathroom and was locked there for weeks. I ran out thje window and then i woke up
14/9/22 - Boat dreami was on a boat and then a plane kidnapped me and [my sister] they took us to Edinburgh where we escaped and told the police
9/9/22 - WW3 dreami dreamt that i had been working for the government but i had only just left me and [my sister] got home and ww3 had started we had to pretend to be german.mum and dad argued
16/8/22 - FNAF dreami dreamt dad was henry emily. it wasnt safe and his house was wierd so me and [my sister] ran away. we were sure that a woman was the actual kidnapper, but the town thought it was dad. we ran away with mum to take a train to china with mum but dad chased us. [my sister] stayed behind and we said goodbysure
13/8/22 - Minecraft dreamI was in aminecraft world, and i had to get things for a demon. I did them all, but the last one was 11 thousand emeralds. I couldnt get it, so i asked for an extention by 1dy. I had a way, where at a scouts convention i would ask jean from east enders and we would pick a lock for her. It failed because we were chased. We ended up in a hotel for rthe demons (but they were realy servants from fate). we pretended to be waiteres to get on their good side, but there was an explosion which caused the whole thing to collapse. In t he next room over there was a political meeting of deamons, and there was a flashback as to how the demon i had a deal with was locked by dr strange in an infinity stone, but escaped. It infected a spaceman that worked for hapanese amazon and was dressed as a minion, so he crashed to earth and everyone thought he was crazy. back to the political meeting, i talked to the deamons and i somehow had the 11k emeralds. dad was there and they showed him how dumb i was to take the deal and he was mad. we movee to a military airbase and they were tryijg to englishifyah it becuaee all the stuff theat juust happend was broadcast on a tv. we lived in a campervan and i was starting yr 11
13/5/22 - School disease I dreamt i someone had a thing at school that deteroated your brain. I ran out of the school during physcics snd hid in a newrby monetairy with some roman guys. After a while, [freind's name] came up and tried to get in , but she ended up giving me the disease
??? - Doctor who and the infinite tescodr who (12) took me to a planet sized infinite tesco. i wanted a jam donut but i seareched everywhere and couldnt find it. the doctor took me in the tardis to a forest wheere there was a jam donut. he said that the donut has always been there, always will be and is everthing. i got confused and woke up
??? - Zombie apocalypsemum and dad were on a research trip to an iceber. they found some slitheen that attacked and had laser things like daleks that turned people to jelly. dad got hit but didnt realise it as he was on the helocopter. when they returned home, i was sure dad was taken by a slitheen. i packed up supplies snealily and locked myself in the bathroom with him outside. is snuck through a vent to the kitchen. when i got there there was a girl was there who said the zombie apocalypsehad begun. we packed supplies into plastic bags and left on bikes. as we were going down a motorway we found a cinema/shopping center. up an escalator there was a group of women who had the secret to stop the zombies but there shift was over and they left and were replaced by a group of men. i didnt like them so i tried to wait for the women to return