about my site

idk why anyone else would look at this site, but if u are: hi :) . you can call me jan Mito, this is just a website ive been making for fun to practice html. the main things here my conlang/worldbuilding projects, (of which only one has been uploaded lol) and my random ramblings into the void.

about me

age: 17

A levels: maths, computing, english(lang)

favourite animal: goats

favourite doctor: 8

languages: english, toki pona, esperanto, latin

dr who
oingo boingo pluto is a planet!!
bugs <3 proud to be a rat

i am currently...

listening to:

teens of denial - car seat headrest


Doctor Who (Season 19)


a brief history of infinity (brian clegg)

thinking about:

comic con!!!

cat typing on keyboard paranoia

some text will go here someday.....
